
We Want You to Foster!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Alley Cats and Angels Website!

Check out Alley Cats and Angels newly designed webpage - this is our 'soft launch' so please let us know if you have suggestions or find anything we've missed.

Thanks so much to Maria Brown, Ronald Murphy, Eugene Cheung, and Jill Walters for all their hard work!!

Not only do we have a new look, but we have a lot of new and improved content. 


meowmeowmans said...

OMC! The new site looks absolutely incredible! I love all the new content, too. I can never say it enough: thank you all for all that you do. You are awesome! :)

Random Felines said...

Looks great....though mom didn't take too much time to look around right now - but she added it to her favorites list! Keep up the good work!!