Weekend Adoption Events
Three places to meet/adopt the cats this
weekend. Plus, we’ll be selling raffle
tickets at each event with the drawing on Sunday. All proceeds from the raffle go to our
medical fund.
Pet Supplies Plus
October 19, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Supplies Plus
Wake Forest Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609
Attending the Pet Supplies Plus event: Cindy Lou
Who, Sassafras, Sweet Bell, and Cheesesteak
Petsmart Knightdale
Saturday and Sunday, October
19 and 20 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Petsmart Knightdale
220 Hinton Oaks Blvd., Knightdale, NC
the Petsmart Knightdale event: Miss Scarlet, Juniper, Gumbo,
Myrtle, Nando, Devlin, Leela, Bowden, Longspur, Lark, Sushi, Amy Poehler, Wyatt
Earp, Newbery, Tailspin, Launchpad, Tomfoolery, Milo, and maybe more.
Petsmart Morrisville
Saturday and Sunday, October
19 and 20 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Petsmart Morrisville
3101 Market Center, Morrisville, NC
the Petsmart Morrisville event: Nermal, Paisley, Zoidberg,
Princess Peach, Lapwing, and Nin. Glinda
and Mr. Fluffy Pants will be at the event on Saturday.