
We Want You to Foster!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Kitten videos and fundraiser!

There's been a whole lot going on lately, including a massive TNR event over Labor Day weekend. That colony had a whole bunch of feral cats, including some who are semi social but need to be relocated to barn/garden homes. 
Click here for more information about our barn cat program.

Here are some of our dedicated volunteers vaccinating the colony cats after their spay and neuter surgeries. 

Some of the kittens in the colony needed urgent medical attention, mostly due to severe eye infections.

This little boy is Blackbeard, in a picture taken just days after he was removed from the colony. You would hardly know it to look at him here, but his eye is much better and he's filled out and cleaned up lately. 

This young lady is Anne Bonny. She's doing a whole lot better now, but she's still under 2 pounds, and too small for her eye surgery and spay. But now she plays and cuddles like a healthy kitten, although not as much cuddling - Anne just has too much healthy kitten energy to sit still!!

Check them out below, playing with their first paper bag! It smells like Arby's so it's super extra exciting.

We are still raising funds to help pay for the medical care for the Pirate Kittens, to help them live happy, healthy lives.