Saturday, February 28, 2009
The tailless cats have arrived!!

Two adoptions today

Vera (pictured right) was also adopted today. Marie handled the adoption so I didn't meet the people but I know they are great adopters also because Marie is good at this - she does it for two different rescues groups. The only thing is I was in such a hurry today when Marie can to get Vera to take to her house for the visit, I didn't get to say goodbye. Vera has been with us since last April/May and I fostered her for most of that time so I become quite attached to her so this is very hard for me. We rescue so we can help the cats and find great homes for them and I know that and I'm glad she's found a good home, but I sure liked her snuggling with me at night. I will miss her so much. In fact, I'm now crying. But the couple said it was ok for me to come see Vera next week and say goodbye to her.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
More on the babies

- Black - male
- Tortie/calico? - definitely female
- Tabby - male
- Orange - 2 females, 1 male
We're going to have to wait until they get a little older to see if there's going to be any way to distinguish the oranges; right now the only thing is that the male definitely has a male face and the females have female faces, otherwise, I can't tell much difference in them.
Can't tell yet, but looking at the pictures, it almost looks like the tortie might just be a calico, will just have to wait a little longer to find out I guess.
Mr. Black has a really good motor on him already; he starts eating and it goes to town, he's the only one I've noticed/heard so far. One of the orange kittens is starting to open her eyes.
See how little they are?
Monday, February 23, 2009
We have babies....

We're quite happy the mama is there to take care of her babies. When we were neighbors (as opposed to me living in the "boonies" like I do now), Debbie and I once rescued four 3-day old kittens without a mama. It was our first experience and wow. Debbie was able to take them to work with her during the day (because ones that little have to be fed every 2 hours). I kept them at night. It was exhausting but again, wow, it was a very special experience. And Debbie ended up keeping one of the kittens.

This is from Debbie: "The kittens are now 5 days old, they were born Thursday, February 19th. There's 6 of them and I think 2 of the orange are girls and 1 of the black ones but I lost track trying to figure it out myself; they kept moving around on me :) Mama is super sweet and being a real good mama but doesn't seem to mind at all if I pick them up; she was a little uncertain, though, of the camera and as you can see used her leg to hide them from the flash a lot. Sorry, didn't realize I had so many of them until I got ready to send them; can't figure out how in the world I took so many in such a short period of time. I'm going to have to put them on a darker towel so I can get some better pictures. With all the white in the bathroom, the flash, the reflection from the bathtub and the light towel, I had to go through and darken quite a few of them; trying to take a pic of just an orange one in all that white came out mostly just a blur!"
Update: 3 orange kittens (aka "the triplets" for now anyway), 1 tabby, 1 black, and 1 tortie (with not much tortie markings but the markings are there). Debbie snapped another zillion pictures last night so we'll have more pictures later. We have "kitten pile" pictures of just the kittens. I held each one last night and Debbie got a picture. Little tabby is about the length of my hand.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
And the winner is....
Armed with facts on the various chips, databases, and costs, it was a unanimous decision by the board to go with Home Again (chips and registration). It is slightly more expensive than some of the other options, but there are times when cost should not be the deciding factor and this is one of those times. We are doing what is right for the cats. It is a decision we are proud of and we'll be so excited when those chips and scanners arrive in the next week or so.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
They just won't cooperate
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
How we keep them healthy....
Upon entering our adoption program, each cat is placed in quarantine for a 14-day period. In the quarantine period, each cat or kitten is in a seperate sheeted off cage, seperate from the other cages. This will help stop the spread of any airborne virus they may have and each cat having its own litterbox ensures if one cat has worms or other parasites that it does not spread to another cat. We don't like putting them in cages but it is for the health of every cat that we do this. They are only in cages while they are quaratined and received medical care and once they get a clean bill of health, no more cage.
During the quarantine period, they are bathed with an anti-fungal shampoo (immediately upon intake), monitored for illness, health checked, dewormed, treated for fleas, tested for FeLV/FIV, sterilized, vaccinated, and microchipped. Once the quarantine period and all medical is complete, the cats are made available for adoption. The quarantine period helps us ensure the cats adopted out are very healthy cats.
But keeping them healthy is more than just the above. Every day is "Poop Watch 2009". One of the joys of being a rescue group. You can't dump those litterboxes until you've inspected the pooh! "Regular" poop makes us happy.
Cages and litterboxes are very thoroughly cleaned every day. And each week, everything in the cage is replaced with bleached and disinfected items - carriers, litterboxes, toys, bedding, food/water dishes, etc. and all cages are bleached. We use a lot of bleach here and it typically takes several hours each weekend to bleach all the carriers, litterboxes, etc. Most of the other stuff can be put in the washer (even the little brooms and dustpans we use to sweep the cages and all the cat toys).
It's a lot of work, but our kitties are healthy and they like everything always being nice and clean.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Fudge fundraiser a big success
This means we have raised enough money to purchase our own microchip scanner and microchips, FeLV/FIV combo test kits (another rescue group has graciously been letting us use theirs kits and microchips at cost), and a sign and banner to be used for our adoption events. This is very exciting for us.
Our next fundraiser is our yard sale on March 21st in the North Ridge Subdivision (address to be made public closer to the sale). We'll be able to raise more money for the cats' medical fund. I really hope our yard sale is at least as successful as our last sale because I would like to have the money to be able to sponsor a few spay/neuter surgeries for those that cannot afford it. That is very important to me. Everyone must get involved to stop the overpopulation crisis.
We thank our donors from the bottom of our hearts - we are so deeply grateful for your donations.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Alley Cats and Angels Joins GoodSearch
What if Alley Cats and Angels (AC&A) earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can!
GoodSearch.com is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up!
GoodShop.com is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 37 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy’s and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause.
Just go to www.goodsearch.com and be sure to enter Alley Cats and Angels (Apex, NC) as the charity you want to support. And, be sure to spread the word!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Newcomb adopted today
Isn't she pretty? Gray tabby with a big orange stripe down her face. She is a little shy but will warm up quickly once in her new home. Please give Moxie a chance.

Friday, February 6, 2009
Meet Coco

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
501c3 status
Monday, February 2, 2009
Another barn cat relo today
This makes cats 9 through 12 that have been relocated to barn homes this year.
What pain looks like!