
We Want You to Foster!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Prison Cat Project - another update

The prison cat project was featured again today in the newspaper.  Bob Wilson wrote an article in the Opinion / Viewpoints section of the Durham News.  The piece is titled "A Timeless Story of Cats and Cons".  He also references a great project at the Indiana State Prison with the inmates and cats.  It's great.  Check out the article here:

Runt is adapting nicely.  She lets me put her all over.  Twinkletoes is coming around but a little slower but I can reach and pet her with no issues.  Bobo and Smokey - the older of the cats we took in - are slower to adjust.  I can reach in and pet Bobo but he's scared.  When he looks directly at me, I blink slowly and then look away to let him know I'm not a threat.  Smokey - who gave high fives to inmates - isn't so sure he likes the indoors but he likes his nice cushy bed!  And they love cat treat.  They think Temptations Tuna treats are the bomb!! 

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