
We Want You to Foster!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Barn cat program in full swing already for 2009

We relocated two high-risk semi-feral cats to a great horse farm last weekend and have two relocations lined up for next weekend, with each site taking three cats. This is a great start for the barn cat program this year.

As always, we ask that you pass the word to anyone you know that owns land and can take in some feral or semi-feral cats or friendly cats that aren't suited to indoor life. Not counting the cats that will be relocated next weekend, we already have about 15 cats on the waiting list for barn homes. And we are approached on a regular basis to help find homes for feral/semi-feral cats in imminent danger.

We have successfully relocated cats to both large farms, small farms, and large rural backyards (half-acre lots). Cats are relocated in a set of at least two from the same colony and are confined in cages in the barn/outbuilding/etc. for a minimum period of two weeks (three weeks is preferable). We provide the cages and everything needed for the relocation period. The new caregiver/barn cat owner takes care of the cats while caged and agrees to provide food, water, and shelter for the cats after their release. The cats will repay the kindness by helping keep down the rodent population.

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