
We Want You to Foster!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall 2010 Yard Sale Results

We had an amazingly successful yard sale Saturday.  We raised a little over $2,900 for the kitties -- $2,927 actually.  We do have a few things (Boyd Bears in boxes with certificates) that we will sell on eBay or post on Craigslist as they were really not yard sale items. 

I would like to thank everyone that donated items for the sale, the volunteers that worked the sale, and everyone that bought items.  This was our most successful yard sale to date.

All the proceeds from the yard sale will go to our medical fund for medical care and spay/neuter and to our Alter an Alley Cat spay/neuter assistance fund. 

1 comment:

cats of wildcat woods said...

Yay - so glad you do well on the yard sale!