Alley Cats and Angels is currently collecting items for our fall yard sale fundraiser. If you have anything you'd like to donate, please respond to this email and we can arrange a time to pick up the items and give you a receipt for taxes.
Our yard sale is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd. We would like to have all donated items by September 20th so we can start sorting, pricing, etc. We have a rented storage unit to store the items in until the yard sale so we can take items as soon as today. We have an SUV and can pick up items, we also have access to a truck for larger items.
The following items sell well:
We are all volunteer, no salaries, no overhead costs, all funds raised go directly to care for the cats. We fund the rescue solely through fundraisers such as this and donations.
We've extended the reduced adoption fee to celebrate Alley Cat August through Labor Day.
Still many cats and kittens available for adoption, all at a reduced adoption fee of $60. But again, there is no reduction in the love you'll received from your new feline companion.
We are now collecting items for our fall yardsale. If you have items you would like to donate, please let us know. If they are items you need to get out of your house now, we can make arrangements to get them out of your house now. Please contact us via email at info@alleycatsandangels.org or via phone at 919-303-3500. Donations are tax deductible and we will provide a receipt for your taxes.
The following items sell well:
We are all volunteer, no salaries, no overhead costs, all funds raised go directly to care for the cats. We fund the rescue solely through fundraisers such as this and donations. Thank you.
We would like to thank everyone that helps support the cats. We are all thankful for you, our kitty guardian angels.
And the icing on the cake: we adopted out two cats today. Dexter and Majik went to new homes.
The following lists our most immediate needs for the rescue at this time. If you can help, the cats and the humans of Alley Cats and Angels will very much appreciate it. We are 501c3, so donations are tax deductible.
Monetary Donations: As always, money is our biggest need. Up until the past two months, we have been very lucky this year not to have incurred huge vet bills over and above the usual (FeLV/FIV testing, spay/neuter, exams, vaccinations, etc.). However, the past two months, we have had quite a few vet bills for kittens that were seriously ill upon intake, kitten hit by a car before rescued, kitten with eye problem, etc. We could use help paying these bills. We also need to purchase large amounts of Advantage Multi for the cats. Our vet recommends Advantage Multi because along with killing fleas, it helps prevent heartworms and also treats ear mites in cats. We need these in all sizes (kitten [2-5 pounds], and both adult sizes [5.1-9 pounds and 9+ pounds]).
Cat food:
Adoption event supplies: We have been able secure additional adoption venues which means some weekends we have two seperate adoption events at different locations. Now this is a very good thing but it means we need some additional supplies for our adoption events. We need:
Barn Cat Program: we need to either raise the money for additional cages and supplies for the barn cat program or have cages donated. We use the 48-inch long wire dog cages for the barn cat program. Because the cats are confined for several weeks, these cages are large enough to give them some room to move around. We could use at least four more 48-inch wire dog cages.
Adoption program cages: We need at least four more 36-inch wire dog cages for quarantining incoming cats. The 36-inch cages are also the idea size for feral kittens that need a lot of socializing (larger than 36-inches, can't always reach all the way into the back and touch the little monkeys). We received notification of two 36-inch cages today (8/6). We still need at least two more 36-inch cages.
Again, if you can help with any of these items, we would be extremely grateful. It's all for the cats. All donations are tax deductible