Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sweet little Yaya
So after tomorrow, all four of the American Shorthairs will have completed their dental and so far only one tooth had to be pulled (let's hope it stays at just one and Yaya doesn't have to have any pulled).
Now, we just need to look into kitty braces for sweet Fang. Seriously - have you seen those "fangs"?!!
Update: Friday, 12/31/09 1:30PM: just talked to Dr. Jon and poor Yaya had to have three teeth pulled. Two inciscors and one molar.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Update from one of our adopters
Fairfax has been renamed Otto and is doing better. The family had a lot of company over the holidays so maybe it was a bit much for our shy boy, but he is doing better. Fairfax has such a rough start in life and while we're always happy when one of our cats find a great forever home, it's sometimes more heart warming when the home takes a chance on adopting a super shy cat. Fairfax (sorry Otto - I'll remember it soon!) no longer runs under the bed when he hears a loud noise, he runs towards the bed but doesn't run under it so that's a big step. The family is accepting of the baby steps and is giving him the time, patience, understanding, and love he needs to blossom.
Meena and Otto love to wrestle and play together -- which is surprising because we thought Meena might do best in a house with no other pets. But she's doing great with Otto and apparently not terrorizing the dogs!
Thank you Wendy and family for adopting these great cats and especially for your patience and understanding with Otto.
Prayers and warm thoughts needed for Tabitha
Our vet is keeping her overnight tonight while waiting for results of blood work and so he can watch her. She appears to have a neurological issue. Now that can be because she's in shock a little. Was doing great this weekend, whatever is wrong happened in such a short time.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Yaya and Fang
However, I'm not sure my parents make good foster parents because they can't quite manage letting go -- as evidenced by the fact that they have adopted most of the cats they have fostered for us. They're great special needs fosters, but not good at saying goodbye. They adopted Mikey and Maddie - super shy cats caught as older feral kittens. And then of course there is Spicey -the almost blind tortie. They were only supposed to be fostering Spicey while she was recovering from being so sick but even though I had found a permanent home for her who knew how to handle blind cats, they couldn't say goodbye. Spicey has no vision in one eye and appears to only be able to see shadows with the other eye.
The pictures aren't that great - they wouldn't stay still for photos and I only had my iPhone to take pix. I'll get better pictures soon. I promise.
Yaya's tongue does stick out most of the time from her little flat face, as does Fang's tongue. They have eyes as big as saucers. Yaya has the tiniest little nose and tongue - they really are about the size of a little kitten's nose and tongue. She's simply adorable. She's a petite little lady. Yaya is available for adoption now. Fang's not quite ready yet.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Please help fellow rescuers
With the downturn in economy, their donations are down and they are facing eviction in January. This wonderful organization currently houses 100 cats in community rooms. Those cats will face the shelter and euthanasia if we can’t help raise the necessary $5,000.
You can make a donation through their home page or by clicking the "ChipIn" button below.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another adoption today
Monday, December 21, 2009
Three adoptions today
Urchin and Udder Moomoo have been in foster to adopt homes since they were 8-weeks old so they are young in these pictures.
Special Foster Home Needed
We need a home with no other cats or a house that has a room Oscar can stay in so we can try out some different food options (sensitive stomach, allergen free, grain free, low-residue, etc.). Oscar is an active boy and quite the big lovebug and does not do well in a cage so we really need a special foster home for him. It may take only a month to regulate Oscar's issues or it may take several as we try several food options.
The foster home must be able to administer medication as needed (if new medication is deemed appropriate by our vets).
Alley Cats and Angels will provide Oscar's food.
Oscar is one of the sweetest, most wonderful older kittens. He is truly delightful. We hope to resolve his issues soon so he can be available for adoption and we can find the perfect home for him. He has so much love to give someone and we hope he can share it with his forever family soon.

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Two more adoptions today
We have several litters with just one kitten renaming that still need good homes:
- Rippa of the R's
- Jazz of the J's
- Stroodle of the S's
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Three adoptions today
Meena and Fairfax were adopted together. An ADULT adoption (Meena, our gorgeous split face calico). Fairfax was a Flame Point Siamese mix and quite shy but he and his adopter bounded when he touched her nose with his. Meena and Fairfax were not together before but we're sure they'll adapt fine, once Meena establishes that she's boss!
Today was our last adoption event for this year. The adoption counselors and event volunteers are taking a much needed rest until January 4th. We are still doing meet and greets and there will be more adoptions this year, just no more adoptathons.
Merry Christmas kitties, enjoy your new homes this Christmas.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Local low-cost spay/neuter clinics
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
One adoption today

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Our babies are growing up - 5 little kittens
Our "V" crew is growing up. They will be 5 weeks old Tuesday. Hard to imagine we've had them 3 weeks. The V kitties all have names now:
- Vittles (tuxedo kitten)
- Violet (dark gray tabby - only female and right now it looks like she might be medium haired and not short haired like her brothers)
- Varjak Paw ("cow kitten")
- Velcro (brown tabby)
- Vodka (light gray tabby with white)
The babies are crawling in and out of the tub (with assistance of pet stairs) and having lots of fun playing. The bathtub in a closed bathroom makes a great place for itty bitty babies. It keeps them safe and confined while mama cat can get out of the tub and stretch her legs and get away from the little ones when she needs to.
See how adorable these little monkeys are in the attached video.
Qaylee adopted today
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Who doesn't love Biscuit and Gravy?
How cute is that - Biscuit and Gravy?!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009
New adoption venue
We have the adoption center for the month of January on an every other month basis (SPCA will have cats in the center the months we are not there).
We would like to thank Zamantha and Chris, managers of the Capital Boulevard PetSmart for the invitation to be their newest adoption partner at this busy store.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Beautiful custom engraved crystal holiday ornaments
Orders must be received before December 15th to ensure delivery in time for Christmas. All proceeds benefit Alley Cats and Angels and help us continue our work as “Advocates for Forgotten Felines”.
Wonderful weekend
We had an amazing adoption weekend. Which would not have been possible without our terrific adoption event volunteers this weekend - Jill Walters (pulled double duty between Santas helpers and ), Landis McEntee, Debbie Beam, Tara Munn, and JoAnne Paterniti. Thanks to our great team, we adopted out eight (yes EIGHT [8]) kittens this weekend and two more went home as foster to adopts.
The following were adopted:
- Tokyo Rose and India (together)
- Pebbles
- Remy
- Julius
- Ivan
- Earl Gray
- Swizzle
- Isaac -- foster to adopt
- Urchin - foster to adopt
I would like to also extend a big thanks to Maria B. for her continued support of Alley Cats and Angels - the donated food is very much appreciated.
Big thanks to our Santas and their helpers...
Also big thanks to Jill Walters, Augusta Fern, and Marie Brewer for being Santa's helpers and taking and/or printing pictures.
Joe Moore as Santa wishing everyone peace (on earth and goodwill to men)
Friday, December 4, 2009
New foster homes
Our teeny tiny babies are growing up

Little Gray - a cutie too, but didn't want to pose for a picture like his siblings so not a supermodel kitty in the making
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thank you Secret Santa
Barn Cat Update
Tia - Just got your newsletter and thought I would let you know how our 2 beauties are doing...
They have settled in wonderfully. Both of them feign indifference if you try to call them over, or reach down to pet them - in fact they seem skittish and run away - but I guess that is to be expected. On the other hand, Bree is always waiting at the back door in the morning when we go out to feed the cats and chickens. Both cats love to romp and play around us when we are outside working, and are in fact quite sociable. And they have done a wonderful job keeping away the varmints that were destroying our garden. Yay! Sometimes we find little presents on the door step!
Paul is much braver with the cats than I am - and has been slowly working on picking them up! They become more and more tolerant of that! They also both are comfortable with our lab, Evie, and usually say hello by rubbing noses with her! And you should see them with the guineas! There is one particular grey guinea who is a sort of loner and he has started playing with Bree. It's hilarious to watch them - Bree will chase the bird and then all of a sudden, the bird will turn around and start chasing Bree. And so it goes on. Back and forth. I can't tell you how much pleasure we have from these two special cats.
And how grateful we are to you and Allecats and Angels for bringing them to us.

Last weekend's adoptions
Raja was adopted by a family in Charlotte. She is doing well and apparently likes to party all night and sleep all day! Raja is doing well extremely well with the 6-year old son and is apparently quite a smart lady. The son is trying to teach her how to give a paw and she’s quite close. We’re so glad she’s doing well.
Wilson was also adopted by the sister-in-law (and family) of one of our previous adopters (O'Reilly's adopter). Wilson is very happy in his new home with three young boys and mom and dad to shower him with attention.
Hello kittens... and goodbye Tacoma
The pictures made me realize this "rescue stuff" is worth it even on the worst days -- with today and tomorrow being horrible days.
We took Tacoma, a 7-month old kitten, to one of our vets to have a full blood panel done. Tacoma is one of only two siblings remaining from a litter we rescued from a car repair shop this summer. Each of those kittens died soon after we got them and the necropsy results were inconclusive. Tacoma and Tanner were doing great (Tanner still is doing great, but we're getting full blood workup to be safe), but Tacoma just started rapidly losing weight. Tacoma's bloodwork shows renal disease among a list of other major health issues which are highly unusual in a young kitten. Our vet said it's possible it's heredity or congenital that's just now manifesting. After speaking with the vet, we've decided it's time to help Tacoma cross the rainbow bridge. It is unlikely we can save her even with aggressive medical treatment and part of rescue is knowing when it's time to let them go -- because it's the most humane thing to do for Tacoma. I'm sorry Tacoma, I wish we could do more. But you will be free from suffering and will soon be chasing mice in kitty heaven. We love you little Tacoma, rest in peace my sweet baby.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The American Shorthairs -- focus on Yaya
Three of the AS kitties are super sweet and loving - just want all love all the time. Yates is the most handsome of the cats but is shy and a little skittish but we're working on that. I'll post some picture of Fang soon and you'll know right away why his name is Fang!
Fang and Yaya do not have the typical American Shorthair faces, their little faces are flat with the tiniest of noses. Yaya's nose is about the size of a 3-week old kitten's nose - poor thing.
The cats were infested with fleas and earmites when we got them. Flea situation was easily resolved but we're still working on the ear mites - Ivermectin ear drops prescribed by are vet are given weekly with ear cleanings about 3 days following the drops -- the ears are getting much better.
Yaya had an old ulcer on her left eye and we were hoping to save her eye with aggressive medical treatment and twice weekly visits to the vet for eye debridment and treatment. When we went to her appointment Friday, her eye was worse and Dr. Jon said it was time to do an eye enucleation (remove the eye). He did the surgery that day and kept her overnight. Yaya is feeling better already - she's eating well (something she wasn't doing before). However, poor girl has to wear the e-collar so she won't scratch her eye and with her little flat face she can't eat or drink with the collar on (Wimbledon was able to). So tonight Yaya went to go stay with her "Grandpa and Grandma" (my parents as I'm her foster) until she no longer has to wear the collar. The collar will go on her at night but most of the time she won't have to wear it as she'll be on the sofa with my mom. Once she heals up and feels better, we'll be able to wash her dirty little face (drainage) - plus she gets her food everywhere!! Here are a few pictures of our little lady.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Pictures and videos of our two-week old kittens
Poor mama is feral and scared. She will go to a nice barn once the babies are weaned, etc. The barn has a heated tack room so she won't be going from the nice warm inside to the cold outside.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Two adoption event locations this weekend
Friday and Saturday
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Come see the kitties!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
We have the purrfect accessory to help keep you warm this winter!

Meena: Meena is extremely sweet and loving calico. She has the most beautiful orange and black face and the cutest black button nose. She can't get enough of head rubs and chin scratches. Grooming is not a problem as she loves being brushed down. Meena is very loyal and always shows her appreciation for your love by rubbing and standing up on your leg. Meena really shows off when she is the only kitty in the house. She is very good about using her scratching pad and playtime is a marathon when you bring out the laser pointer. Meena might be a little shy at first, but get ready; because when she comes out of her closet, you will be loving and playing with her for a long time to come. Meena was rescued from a high-kill shelter.

Tipper: My personality is really starting to shine through. I now ‘talk' to you to in a soft chatter to let you know that I want to be petted and have attention. I've also come to realize how nice it is to sit in your lap and get comfortable for a short catnap. While I live in a house with other cats, I am a good fit as an only cat or integrated into a home with other cats. I'm very friendly and I get along well with every cat I meet. My favorite pastimes are still to chase balls, play with feathers on a stick and pop in and out of my tent. I also love it when you shake the treat bag--I come running! I do have a grade 2 heart murmur which means you need to make the Vet aware in case I would ever need to go under anesthetic. On the outside you'd never know the murmur existed since I act normal and require no special care. I was found living in a storm drain near a local pizza restaurant and would dart between traffic to sit under cars as they parked so I could stay warm, so when I was rescued, the hair on my ears was singed but it's grown in beautifully.

Monday, November 23, 2009
New catnip mice - perfect stocking stuffer for cat lovers

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Just when you thought kitten season might be over...

Warm thoughts for Yaya
Come get your pet's picture taken with Santa and Support Alley Cats & Angels
Alley Cats and Angels is participating in the Santa Claws photos with Santa program at the Knightdale Petsmart. Come get get your picture taken with santa (pictures of pets with santa too). You'll receive one 4x6 printed digital phot in a holiday collector frame. The cost is $9.95 and Alley Cats and Angels will receive $5 from each purchased photo package.
We will be there Saturday and Sunday, December 5-6 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 p.m. Come out and support the cats. Thanks.
Friday, November 20, 2009
No more princess outfits for Wilson
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sweet Meena needs a forever home

Sweet Meena is about 1.5 to 2 years old. She really needs a home of her own. Adoption events are especially stressful for her and it takes her a while to relax and destress after each event. One our wonderful supporters has sponsored Meena's adoption fee. This means the approved adopter will not have to pay an adoption fee, it has already been paid (adoption process, application, interview, contract, etc. still apply).
More About Meena
- Meena is extremely sweet and loving calico. She has the most beautiful orange and black face and the cutest black button nose. She can't get enough of head rubs and chin scratches.
- Grooming is not a problem as she loves being brushed down.
- Meena is very loyal and always shows her appreciation for your love by rubbing and standing up on your leg. Meena really shows off when she is the only kitty in the house. She is very good about using her scratching pad and playtime is a marathon when you bring out the laser pointer.
- Meena might be a little shy at first, but get ready; because when she comes out of her shell, you will be loving and playing with her for a long time to come.
- Meena was rescued from a high-kill shelter along with her kitten
Monday, November 16, 2009
Much to be thankful for
- Blizz was adopted by a family that adopted Persephone in February
- Zappa was adopted by a great family in Charlotte (thanks to Jill, our web goddess and key volunteer). Zappa was adopted by good friends of hers and Jill did the transport for this adoption
- Electra was adopted. Sweet but shy girl. She went to a lovely home.
- Rascal - oh my Rascal. Rascal was my foster and quite the bed hog (I've blogged about his sleeping habits before), but I sure do miss him not hogging the bed and giving me hugs. I think it was love at first sight between Rascal and the adoptive family. The big ol' chunk of love went to a great home where he will be pampered. The mom is hoping Rascal will sleep with her since the other three cats sleep with her son.
Next, we are thankful for the donation from the "I've always wanted to try that" meetup group. They held a raffle at their Halloween party and donated the proceeds to Alley Cats and angels. We are extremely grateful for the $400 donation. It will be used to help offset the growing medical bills for the American Shorthair cats.
And last but definitely not least, thanks to Augusta who is helping get some much needed administrative work done. She's already updated our adopter spreadsheet, is currently working on email mailing list for our e-newsletter, and then move on to check microchip registrations. We really appreciate all her assistance. Augusta is a two-time adopter of our rescue kitties.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Gentle Giant
Julius and Blizz were a bit disconcerted at yesterday's adoption event so I put Julius in with Rascal first and once Rascal started washing Julius' ears and head, Julius was in bliss. Put Blizz in with them after that and Rascal gave her kitty loves too.
Just in time for the holidays - sweet treats (fudge)
Just in time for the holidays -- Alley Cats and Angels is now taking orders for creamy marble slab fudge. Fudge is available in both half-pound bars ($6.00) and one-pound bars ($11.00) and there are nine delicious flavors to choose from.
- Chocolate
- Peanut Butter
- Rocky Road
- Maple Walnut
- Mint Chocolate Chip
- Chocolate Pecan
- Vanilla Pecan
- Chocolate Peanut Butter
- Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip
Orders due by Wednesday, December 2, 2009. Delivered in holiday appropriate boxes week of December 14, 2009
To order email All proceeds from fudge sales go to the medical and spay/neuter fund.
For more info:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Too funny....
Blizz and Julius - foster buds
Weekend update
The A's (Arnie, Angie, and Andy) attended their first adoption event. We name litters by the alphabet but we don't necessarily do it in alphabetical order. (We only have the V's and Y's left for this year). The A's are a bit shy but they did pretty good until one of the darn birds at Petsmart started screeching. It was an obnoxious noise that made me want to hide too! Here's a picture of Arnie in his Halloween bandana snuggling with a teddy bear in his cage.

It was a long week for the cats in the adoption center and they were glad to get back to their foster homes. They're not used to being in cages (only caged during quarantine). Of course everyone got playtime out of the adoption center cages each day and night but they were getting a little restless.
Big big thanks for the 11 bags of donated cat food, including food for the adoption program and food for the ferals. Saying we really appreciate it does not really convey how much we really appreciate it. We are very grateful for the donation.
And finally, we were notified last night that a meetup group had a raffle at their Halloween party this weekend and they are donating the proceeds of the raffle ($400) to Alley Cats and Angels. This means a lot to us. We have taken in some cats that have very bad dental problems and need teeth cleanings (cannot wait, it's bad - stage 4 periodontal disease) and some teeth removed. The raffle money will go to help pay for the dental work these guys needs (now that sounds like they need fillings and root canals, doesn't it?!). Again, huge thanks to Erin D., organizer of the meetup group, for choosing Alley Cats and Angels to be the recipient of the raffle proceeds.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Food donations greatly needed
But we've had quite a few unexpected medical bills recently with more to come over the next couple of weeks as we take care of severe dental problems for some American Shorthairs we took in. So buying all that food is quite a strain on the budget. So we really need donations of food. Again, we go through a lot of it - we go through at least three 18-pound bags of Purina One Healthy Kitten per week and two to three 18-pound bags of Purina One Chicken and Rice for adults per week.
We also need donations of other dry food to help local feral cat caretakers feed their ferals (preferrably Purina Cat Chow Complete Choice). We will be at Petsmart this weekend (October 31-November 1) from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and can take donations at that time.
Donated food can also be dropped off at Consonus Technologies, 301 Gregson Drive, Cary, NC (attn: Tia), between the hours of 9 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.
The boys playing
Thursday, October 29, 2009
In memory and love of our departed cats...
Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they each miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he breaks from the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into those trusting eyes, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...
Poems for Cats
And God asked the feline spirit "Are you ready to come home"? "Oh, yes, quite so", replied the precious soul "and, as a cat, you know I am most able to decide anything for myself".
Are you coming then? asked God. "Soon" replied the whiskered angel "but I must come slowly for my human friends are troubled. For you see, they need me, quite certainly."
"But don't they understand?", asked God,"that you'll never leave them? That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity? That nothing is created or destroyed? It just is....forever and ever and ever?"
"Eventually they will understand", replied the glorious cat. "For I will whisper into their hearts that I am always with them I just am....forever and ever and ever".
To the unknown authors of the above two poems, thank you.
Goodbye little Ursa Minor
Despite the best medical care and heroic efforts on the part of our vet, sometimes it's simply the animal's time to pass over the rainbow bridge. We would like to thank Dr. Kevin Monce (PetSound Animal Hospital) for all he did for Ursa Minor.
I'm so sorry we lost you little Ursa. So small, so sweet, so soon. There are now four more little feet in heaven. And many more tears here on earth.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ursa Minor needs your thoughts/prayers

Monday, October 26, 2009
Cats and Halloween Costumes
Rascal is my foster and he is the biggest bed hog. He's a big boy and is just plain sarcastic when it's bed time. He stretches out his front and back legs and take up as much bed as he can. Oh - and he likes to lay right smack in the middle of the bed. Therefore, I might get my revenge and dress him up like a mermaid - I saw a cute mermaid pet costume at Petsmart. It will help him get in touch with his feminine.
Think that will teach him what's boss or just make him gather the other foster cats and tell them to help hog the bed too?
Ok, so maybe not a mermaid - that would probably wound his masculine ego, but he's wearing something other than a Halloween bandana this weekend. And it will be for all the world to see (well, the part of the world that will be visiting the Petsmart Knightdale between 1-4P on Saturday!!).
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Great adoption weekend
Bumblemuffin was adopted yesterday - what a cute little munchkin he was. Stocky built little boy and super sweet.
And finally, Jacob was adopted this weekend. Jacob had a rough time for a while but started sleeping with his foster parent and coming up and asking for love. He's not big on being held, but the family is ok with that and understands he can be a bit shy at first but will blossom. The 15-year old daughter is absolutely in love with Jacob - and rightly so, he's a pretty great little guy.
The cats had a great adoption weekend.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Remember Wimbledon?

Est. DOB: 4/2008 Color: DSH Silver Grey Classic Tabby with some White Gender: M
If you want a real snuggle bunny lap cat – then Wimbledon is your “man”. It’s almost hard to put into words how wonderful Wimbledon is – he really is that incredible. Wimbie (as he’s affectionately called) is so loving. Loves to sit on your lap or be next to you. He loves to sleep with you but isn’t a kitty bed hog! He loves to give kitty kisses and get brushed and petted and kissed in return. He’s also very playful. He loves interactive play with feather toys and wands. His other favorite play items are the kitty tunnel and the track ball. Wimbie gets along great with other cats/kittens.
Wimbledon and his brother, Wilson were dumped in a neighborhood where someone fed him until a rescue could take the boys in. Wimbie had a severe case of herpes virus and his left eye was badly ulcerated and had to be removed. Wimbie is completely recovered; he does not have any special medical requirements – he is a healthy boy.
Full vetted: treated for intestinal parasites, treated with flea preventative, negative for FeLV/FIV, neutered, vaccinated (FVRCP+FeLV initial vaccination and booster, and rabies vaccination) and microchipped with Home Again microchips with shelter paid registration.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Abby settling in

Monday, October 19, 2009
GREAT weekend
On the yard sale front, we exceeded our goal of making $1500 for the cats. We made over $1600 and we still have some higher end jewelry and collectible items (Limoges collector plate and other limited edition numbered collector plates) that are going to an upscale consignment shop or on ebay. My deepest thanks to everyone that donated items and everyone that helped out with the yard sale. There's only one thing to say -- you all rock.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Yet another orphan
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Barn cat relocation yesterday
Adoption Event / Bake Sale
We will be holding more adoption events at Wag after the first of the year.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
4 Kittens
- Mama cat: Uma
- Gray/brown fluffy tabby kitten: Ursa Minor
- Black fluffy kitten: Usher
- "Cow" kitten" Udder Moomoo
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Meet Urchin
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wimbledon Update
What a wonderful kitten. A purr-machine full of lots of love to share with anyone who will let him. He should be available for adoption in about a month and whoever adopts this boy will be a very lucky person.
I'll post pictures later.
Fall yard sale fundraiser rescheduled due to forecasted rain
There is a 30% chance of rain (down from yesterday's 50% but it keeps fluctuating), therefore we are rescheduling our fall yard sale until next Saturday, October 10th. The yardsale will be from 7AM to noon on October 10th. Address will be posted closer to the date. We have many wonderful donated items for sale to help raise money for the cats.
Primarily, the money raised at the sale will go to the medical/spay-neuter fund. Below are just a few of the items we have for sale:
- Living room furniture (including matching sofa, arm chair and ottoman; Ethan Allen end tables, small oak cabinets)
- Dinette set
- Home improvement items (ceiling fan with light figure - modern/contemporary style; beautiful pendant light chandelier; several other chandeliers; recessed light kits)
- Great baby items (car seat; bouncey walker; portable high-chair; grocery cart cozie
- Lots of kids toys - many new in {unopened} boxes
- Beautiful area rugs in varying sizes
- Lots of holiday decor/items - Halloween and Christmas
- Downhill skis and poles
- Very nice handbags/purses
- Vintage suitcases
- Jewelry - some custume, some not
- Home decor items - new in box beautiful candle holders; wrought iron multiple candle holder; lots of wall art; knick-knacks/collectibles; Home Interior (brand) items
- New Webkinz stuffed animals with valid codes
- Huge box of new unwrapped items perfect for a tailgating party or to put up for a Super Bowl party - lots of football plates in varying sizes, cups, napkins, platters, etc. - all Hallmark brand
- Kids books
- Some clothes - mens, womens, childrens
- Over 500 DVDs
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
"Cow" kitten
One of three kittens that we had to bring into safety. Of the other two, one is black and one is a darker gray tabby. They are approximately 4-weeks old and so fuzzy and cute. I love the super symetrical markings on this one's face and the black patch under the chin.
A Day of Animal Awareness - October 24th
Saturday, October 24, 2009
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Chocolate Smiles Shopping Center
312 W. Chatham Street
Cary, NC
This is a multi-rescue group adoption and awareness event, sponsored by Cute Buttons and Bows, Michael's Memories, and Marley's Cat Tales. There will also be multiple speakers delivering information through a series of short seminars. There will also be question and answer sessions covering a range of issues from hints on training, TNR, leash training, how to make animal toys, what foods are best, etc.
Several area rescues will be onsite with adoptable animals.
Marley's Cat Tales will be tempting everyone with delicious baked goodies to help raise money for their rescue. They will have wonderful adoptable cats and dogs there also.
Alley Cats and Angels will be there with adorable cats/kittens for adoption and a variety of catnip toys for sale (all made with organic catnip).